CMU - Chiang Mai Marathon 2024
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CMU Chiang Mai Marathon 2024 (ONSITE) Participation Rules

     1. Applicants must have the following qualifications.
          1.1. Be valid on the date of application according to the age specified in each competition period based on official evidence with the applicant's photo attached. by counting the year of the Buddhist era The age limits for each competition stage are as follows.
               - Marathon 42.195 km. (THAI) :: 20-29 yrs. , 30-39 yrs. , 40-49 yrs. , 50-59 yrs. , Over  60 yrs.
               - Marathon 42.195 km. (Foreigner) :: No age group
               - Half Marathon 21.1 km. :: 20-29 yrs. , 30-39 yrs. , 40-49 yrs. , 50-59 yrs. , Over  60 yrs.
               - Mini Marathon 10.5 km. :: 16-19 yrs. , 20-29 yrs. , 30-39 yrs. , 40-49 yrs. , 50-59 yrs. , Over  60 yrs.
               - Fun Run 5.5 km. :: No age group
               - Applicants under the age of 18 must have parental permission.
          1.2. Must be a person in good health, without any dangerous diseases related to exercise.
     2. Applicants must comply with and accept the application conditions as follows.
          2.1. Apply through the website by filling out the information completely The organizer reserves the right not to compensate for damages and not accept any disputes arising from incomplete information filling as required.
          2.2. Apply by the application date as follows.
               -  VIP and Guarantee donation round on Wednesday, August 11, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. until midnight on August 29, 2023.
               - General donation round on Sunday, August 30 at 10:00 a.m.
               - Special Round for Sponsors and Co-organizing Agencies as specified by the co-organizing agency
          2.3. In the event of an outbreak of contagious respiratory disease The Organizing Committee may request an ATK test result (or a better instrument) for a specified period of time from applicants who wish to participate in the competition at a later date. according to the measures that the government should prescribe Or at the discretion of the competition committee deems appropriate This is to prevent the danger of an epidemic that may occur to participants on the day of the competition. The applicants are responsible for the cost of testing themselves. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to, at its discretion, terminate the right to participate in the competition against applicants whose ATK (or better instrument) test results show infection.
          2.4. Applicants must come to register and report to receive runner's equipment (Race Pack) such as running shirt, running bib (BIB), bag and layout brochure. There will be a pickup at the event area that will be announced. By Friday, November 24, 2022 and Saturday, November 25, 2022, and at the time the competition committee announced more If the applicant does not pick up the kit for the day of the competition and such time The kits are deemed to be the property of the tournament organizers. which can be distributed continue to use or destroy as appropriate
          2.5. Applicants must accept and comply with the rules. Guidelines or measures set by the competition committee. in order to cause welfare and the safety of the work and to the co-workers If later any applicant refuses to comply with the rules predetermined practices or measures The competition committee reserves the right to disqualify that applicant from participating in the competition.
          2.6. Applicants must comply with the rules for applying. competition rules Rules for protesting the result of the competition Top hundred rules and fancy rules Attached to the rules for participating in this competition.
          2.7. The Organizing Committee reserves the right not to refund the donation of the application in case of cancellation or postponement of the competition for reasons uncontrollable by the organizer or natural disasters. The organizing committee may propose an activity form to replace the canceled activity. which will be announced for applicants to consider
          2.8. Participants take part in the Contest at their own risk. The organizer is not responsible. or be liable for injury or death, regardless of the practice or during the competition Participants are encouraged to see their doctor or health advisor prior to registration and on the day of the actual race.
          2.9. Organized by the Competition Organizing Committee. Not responsible for damage caused by the following:
               - Illness or Accident The organizer will prepare a doctor. volunteer nurse and staff to assist in an emergency at full capacity
               - Loss or damage of personal property
               - Delays of a match caused by things beyond the organizer's control.
          2.10. The organizing committee of the competition may modify the rules and measures for suitability in organizing the event or according to the orders of government agencies. Applicants have to check various announcements. from the organizer before and during the competition
          2.11. Photos, animations, sounds, articles, statistics of the competition are copyright of the organizer. And may be published in various media such as newspapers, the Internet, television, magazines, etc. Athletes can bring photos. animation and their own voices can be used without permission. The organizer does not allow taking photos. and animation of the work and competition for commercial use without permission

Application Rules (ONSITE)
     The Organizing Committee will assign the Registration Sub-Committee to uphold these application rules. The Registration Sub-Committee may reject applications. or cancel the application For applicants who do not read or do not agree to accept the rules, practices or measures of the competition However, applicants must provide information in the online application system. and provide necessary information to the organizers. and agree to the following conditions
     1. Duplicate applications by the same applicant are prohibited.
     2. Do not use other people's names and information to apply instead of their own names and information.
     3. Once registered Applicants are not transferable. to join
     4. Do not use false information in applying. or forgery of supporting documents
     5. It is not allowed to change the application information after the information has been confirmed, so please check the application information carefully.
     6. Computers, laptops, tablets, mobile phones and various operating systems (Operating Systems) of those devices It may cause the application to be wrong. Organizer cannot be responsible for functionality for all devices. and is not responsible for any delays caused by the Internet connection that may occur.
     7. The organizer is not responsible in case the email address is incorrect. Applicants are responsible for checking their emails. or the website itself
     8. Due to the large number of applicants Organizers may not be able to answer questions regarding the status or results of applications on an individual basis
     9. Authorization of others to register for a number Instead of running and equipment can be done, but the person picking up instead must present a copy of the applicant's ID card/passport issued by a government agency and certified copy, along with showing the QR code as registered on the website.

Competition Rules (ONSITE)
     The Organizing Committee will assign the Technical Sub-Committee to uphold the rules of this competition. Ready to allow the Technical Sub-Committee to update these rules by reference to national or international rules covering the rules of the International Amateur Athletics Federation (IAAF) by decision of the Technical Sub-Committee. is absolute The organizing committee does not allow applicants or participants to run on the track in violation of rules, laws and orders. The Organizing Committee or the Technical Sub-Committee may disqualify or not allow an applicant to participate in the event or participate in the competition. Or disqualify the contestant (Disqualify) of the contestant, as the case may be.
Participants must accept and comply with the following.
     1. The organizer reserves the right to restrict Or refuse to enter the competition unconditionally.
     2. Participants of all races must wear their race number on their chest. The competition organizer uses the Gun time timing system.
     3. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to award prizes to participants. In the event that the number plate is damaged, lost, or folded, which causes the time of exit or finish line not being recorded or tell the information of the participants of the competition
     4. Participants using someone else's race number not eligible for prizes And the organizer will not be responsible in any case if the applicant grants the right to someone else to participate in the competition on their behalf.
     5. Participants who start the race before the scheduled start time according to the distance category applied for. or before receiving a signal from the Technical Sub-Committee will be disqualified from the competition
     6. Participants must enter the designated starting area for each race distance by passing check-in.
     7. Participants must start running with the starting group. Starting a race from the starting point after the release for more than 15 minutes will be considered a race in the wrong category. or violating the rules of the competition and will be disqualified from the competition (Disqualify)
     8. Running numbers must be clearly visible. Organizers do not allow unnumbered runners to pass through the starting point. and enter the finish line
     9. Must run on a specified route, following arrows, ribbons and signs/signs. that should be provided Don't take shortcuts.
     10. Helping Runners This can only be done in the nursing area. rest and welfare only No companions are allowed to assist runners on the race course. In the event of an emergency, immediately notify the staff stationed in the nursing area. rest and welfare To coordinate the relief and forward to the relevant aid agencies.
     11. Participants must leave the competition immediately. When the organizer orders to stop the competition
     12. Participants must not dress up. or contains any equipment that may harm other runners
     13. Participants must not dress inappropriately that causes discomfort to other runners or spectators, such as being impolite, pornographic, showing political opinions. Disparaging religion or belief, advertising products, propaganda, etc.
     14. Participants must not use equipment. or a sound that would mislead others as a release signal
     15. Participants must not bring bicycles, skates, strollers, prams, shoes with rollers. or any running equipment with castors or ambulance vehicles running on the race track without permission
     16. Participants must not take any action that will delay the competition. or obstructing the finish line
     17. Participants must stop. or give way to vehicles or emergency responders
     18. Participants must strictly follow the instructions of the route conductor or race committee.
     19. Participants who win all types of prizes must present their ID card or government-issued card with their ID number. and attach photos or passport to show to claim the prize as announced within the specified time Otherwise, it will be deemed that you cannot report. and disqualified from receiving the award
     20. The referee's decision is final. However, the argument and appeals for winners must be done within 30 minutes according to the rules for protesting the result of the competition since the unofficial results were announced Via the method of reporting the results as follows: SMS message or e-slip with printing service at the Technical Sub-Committee's tent or Line Official Account message. However, an appeal can be made at the Technical Sub-Committee's tent above.
     21. Participants must collect their medals as soon as they complete the competition. which will be given by the race manager at the finish line shall be deemed proprietary and cannot be requested to be delivered later.
     22. In the event that the participant uses the deposit service of the organizer is not responsible in case of loss or damage to the participant's property.



     1. The Organizing Committee will assign a Technical Sub-Committee to uphold the rules of this Top 60 + 60 Protest.
     2. Be an ONSITE participant who complies with the entry rules. and rules for applying to participate in the competition Also report the runners receiving the equipment at the specified time.
     3. Be a male runner who runs the first 60 in the full marathon and the first 60 in the half marathon or be a female runner who runs the first 60 in the full marathon and 60 first in the half marathon The Technical Sub-Committee may announce the order unofficially via SMS message or e-slip with printing service at the Technical Sub-Committee tent or Line Official Account message.
     4. The Technical Sub-Committee reserves the right to inspect the complete compliance with the rules of the runners who cross the finish line. Before announcing the official results of the Top 120 competition The runners can check the name list and claim prizes at the tent of the Technical Sub-Committee.

Competition Protest Rules (ONSITE)
     The Organizing Committee will assign the Technical Sub-Committee to uphold these Rules for Protesting the Competition. ready to be given to the Technical Sub-Committee to be able to revise these rules as appropriate later
Participants must accept and comply with the following.
     1. Protest on the issue Qualifications of the contestants Order of finishing and results
     2. Can protest within 30 minutes after crossing the finish line.
     3. The right to protest is Participants only
     4. Protesters must deposit a deposit of 3,000.-baht.
     5. The decision of the Technical Sub-Committee is final.

Fancy Costume Contest Rules and Regulations

     ตามที่ท่านได้สมัครเข้าร่วมการแข่งขันประกวดแต่งกายแฟนซี งาน CMU - Chiang Mai Marathon 2024 ในวันอาทิตย์ที่ 1 ธันวาคม 2567 นั้น

     ด้วยมีผู้สมัครเข้าร่วมการแข่งขันประกวดแต่งกายแฟนซีเป็นจำนวนมาก ในการนี้ ผู้จัดงานจึงได้ปรับกติการการแข่งขันใหม่ รายละเอียดดังนี้

     1. ขอให้ผู้สมัครเข้าร่วมการแข่งขันประกวดแต่งกายแฟนซี ถ่ายภาพการแต่งกายแฟนซีของท่าน
โดยให้เห็นภาพเต็มตัวทั้งด้านหน้า ด้านหลัง ด้านข้างซ้ายและขวา พร้อมเขียนบรรยายถึงแนวคิด วัสดุที่ใช้ในการสร้างสรรค์ชุดประกวดนี้ 
ความยาวไม่เกิน 1 หน้า A4 โดยจัดส่งไฟล์มาที่อีเมล
[email protected] ภายในวันที่ 21 พ.ย. 67 เวลา 23.59 น. หากไม่ส่งตามระยะเวลาที่กำหนดถือว่าท่านสละสิทธิ์เข้าร่วมการแข่งขัน

     *ธีมการประกวด "Carbon Neutral รักษ์โลก ห่วงใยสิ่งแวดล้อม"

     2. ผู้จัดงานจะดำเนินการพิจารณาให้คะแนนตามเกณฑ์การตัดสิน (ข้อ 5) และประกาศผลการพิจารณา (ผ่านเข้ารอบ/ไม่ผ่านเข้ารอบ) ให้ทราบทางอีเมลของท่าน ภายในวันที่ 25 พ.ย. 67

     3. เฉพาะผู้ที่ผ่านเข้ารอบเท่านั้น ให้แต่งกายแฟนซีตามที่ได้นำเสนอ มาในวันอาทิตย์ที่ 1 ธันวาคม 2567 โดยมารายงานตัวต่อคณะกรรมการที่เต็นท์ฝ่ายพิธีการและประชาสัมพันธ์ ข้างเวทีหน้าศาลาธรรม ก่อนการแข่งขันตามระยะที่ท่านสมัคร ภายใน 60 นาที ก่อนกำหนดการปล่อยตัวในระยะนั้น ๆ

     4. ผู้เข้าร่วมการประกวดจะต้องวิ่งจนครบระยะที่สมัครไว้ และรายงานตัวกับคณะกรรมการที่เต็นท์ฝ่ายพิธีการและประชาสัมพันธ์หลังเข้าเส้นชัย โดยการตัดสินไม่ได้พิจารณาจากลำดับการเข้าเส้นชัย คณะกรรมการขอสงวนสิทธิ์ในการตรวจสอบผลการวิ่งของผู้เข้าร่วมการแข่งขันก่อนประกาศผลอย่างเป็นทางการ โดยผู้เข้าประกวดสามารถตรวจสอบรายชื่อและเข้ารับรางวัลได้ที่เต็นท์ฝ่ายพิธีการและประชาสัมพันธ์ ข้างเวทีหน้าศาลาธรรม

     5. คณะกรรมการจะให้คะแนนจากเกณฑ์การตัดสินทั้ง 4 หัวข้อ ดังนี้

          5.1. ความคิดสร้างสรรค์สอดคล้องกับธีมที่กำหนด                                  20 คะแนน
          5.2. การเลือกใช้วัสดุที่เป็นมิตรกับสิ่งแวดล้อม รักษ์โลก                          20 คะแนน
               หรืออาจเป็นเหตุให้เกิดอันตรายกับนักวิ่งคนอื่น รวมถึงไม่ใช้อุปกรณ์ใด
               ที่นอกเหนือจากเครื่องแต่งกาย อาทิ ใช้รถเข็นหรือโครงสร้างเหล็กหรือ
               พลาสติกหรือไม้ที่ใหญ่เกินขนาดตัว เป็นต้น

          5.3. ความสวยงาม                                                                              30 คะแนน
          5.4. ความสะดวก คล่องตัวในการวิ่ง                                                     30 คะแนน

                                                                                           รวมคะแนนเต็ม 100 คะแนน

     6. รางวัล

     ระยะละ 3 รางวัล ได้แก่ ชนะเลิศ รองชนะเลิศอันดับ 1 และรองชนะเลิศอันดับ 2 รวม 12 รางวัล สำหรับ Full Marathon, Half Marathon, Mini Marathon และ Fun Run

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